In the initial stage, Library collection was very less (2000 approx.). Gradually, the collection increased over the time along with the newspapers, journals, magazines etc. Presently, the Central Library has a collection of 21,224 (text and reference books), covering different subjects. The library also has a collection of 09(nine) Journals, 05(five) Magazines and 11(eleven) Newspapers.

textbooks &
Reference books
The library has a rich collection of about 21,224 Textbooks and Reference books covering different branches of knowledge.

The Library subscribes to 9 periodicals comprising different subjects journals and 5 Magazines
1. Gariyoshi (Assamese)
2. Prantik (Assamese)
3. Vivek Bhaskar (Assamese)
4. Rock Pebbles
5. Aitihya: The Heritage (Multilingual)
6. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management
7. Arthasastra: Indian Journal of Economics and Research
8. Indian Journal of Finance
9. Indian Journal of Marketing
1. India Today
2. Competition Success Review
3. Frontline
4. Pratiyogita Darpan
5. Dispurian

The library subscribes to 11 newspapers to cater to the needs of the students and academic community.
Daily Newspapers
1. The Assam Tribune
2. The Hindu
3. Financial Express
4. The Sentinel
5. Asomiya Pratidin (Assamese)
6. Amar Asom (Assamese)
7. Dainik Agradoot (Assamese)
8. Dainik Janambhumi (Assamese)
9. Niyomiya Barta (Assamese)
Weekly Newspapers
10. Asom Bani (Assamese)
11. Employment News